Código Facilito: https://codigofacilito.com We teach how to code web and mobile applications to 80,000 users per month in our web application, our videos are watched 900,000 per month. The site was built using Ruby on Rails, it uses CoffeeScript and SASS along with the Youtube API, ComproPago API and PayPal API. It includes cool things like gamification.
Classi: https://github.com/urielhdz/moocs_v2 A platform to administrate classroom classes for universities. It integrates Google Drive, Calendar and G+ into it. It allows teachers to upload homeworks score them and more (quizzes, files, resources, youtube videos). 1st place in the 2014 Google I/O hackathon at CPMX5. Built using Ruby on Rails
Tutoreandome: (not yet online) Tutorships as a service. For the project I used AngularJS and lots of javaScript to build a realtime virtual classroom with a blackboard, notes and chat. It uses Laravel, AngularJS and HTML5 API's along with PayPal API. 2nd place at PayPal's BattleHack hackathon México.
WebSchoolMx: http://webschool.education/ Mobile Applications built using Cordova, AngularJS and Ionic. Availabe at the Play Store and the App Store. It's a tool to communicate schools with parents by informing them about scores, homeworks, announcements, necessary materials and more.
ChiapasIgnite: http://chiapasignite.com/ Web Applciations for participants registration and payments of the first Chiapas Ignite hackathon at Chiapas, México. It used Ruby on Rails